Empowering engineering teams through intelligent insight to build software better.

End-to-end delivery and engineering metrics, analytics and intelligent alerts to align and accelerate your value delivery.

Trusted by global leaders across sectors:

Combine data from toolsets across your delivery cycle.

Radically improve your value delivery.

Escaped Defects up to
54% reduction

Sprint Accuracy up to
80% increase

Time to Value up to
55% reduction

Flow Efficiency up to
50% increase

Deployment Frequency up to 400% increase

Surface new insight. Loved by teams, relied on by managers

Team-level custom dashboards and LiveView intelligent analytics to identify blockers, accelerate velocity and hit sprint goals.

Plandek’s custom manager and Epic dashboards help product owners, engineers and delivery managers deliver projects and PIs on time and share success across teams.

Plandek’s ‘North Star’ dashboards enable tech leadership to define, track and drive ‘what good looks like’ in Agile DevOps and share understandable KPIs internally and with key stakeholders.

Plandek’s Strategic Alignment dashboards reveal where resource (and cost) is expended and ensure that it aligns with strategic priorities.

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